Combine any of these compatible components

to create the donor journeys that you need

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Visual Fundraising


Wow supporters with a visual experience. This works really well to build online communities, particularly for in-memory or other targeted campaigns.

See the templates

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Single Donations


The quick, simple wizard-style donation process to take one-off donations that integrates with your payment gateway.

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Regular Donations


The quick, simple wizard-style donation process to let donors set up direct debits, making sure you get regular donations straight to you via your payment gateway.

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Event Bookings


Create events, virtual or in person with tickets and take donations or fixed prices for attendance.

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Customisable Forms


Create bespoke forms with donation outcomes or data gathering with full marketing preferences considered.

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Quick Links


Create quick links or buttons for supporters to make instant donations through Ema Donate.

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Optional Add-ons


We can create a bespoke components to act and feel exactly as you need to fit in seamlessly with your campaign.

Say hello

Conversations create solutions, tell us the challenges you'd like to fix!